Federal Tax Has Passed For Filing Of Tax Refund But They Have Given Until July 17 To File An Application To Claimed Their Refund From 2019 Or They Will Not Receive At All.
Another deadline for tax refund: File now before it vanishes forever!
The filing of application for tax refund already ended but was extended until July 17, enough time for those who did not yet file their application to enable them to be eligible to claim a share of refund from the $1.5B unclaimed refunds from 2019. These returns came in 2019 during the pandemic where taxpayers have forgotten it due to the international emergency. But time is ticking to those who did not file because after July 17 they will not be able to claim as the refund will be gone.
If you think you are eligible for a claim, contact the IRS through their digital services to look for your file, with this you may know how much they owe you. Filing of 2019 tax returns requires attachments and might be difficult if you haven’t kept your documents, but the IRS will help you through it. You can request copies of the following documents from banks, your employer and other payers, the Forms W-2, 1098, 1099 or 5498 for 2019.
Read Also: IRS To Launch Pilot Program Allowing Direct Electronic Filing Of Tax Returns
Read Also: 2019 Tax Refund Deadline Is Near: 1.5 Million Taxpayers Must File To Get The Refund
Another option is to file a written request to a tax collector that may take up to a few weeks to process. It is advisable to try the first options especially now that the extended deadline is only around the corner.
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