Smugglers transporting illegal immigrants led DPS in Texas in a high-speed pursuit leading their car to flip on the dirt road.

DPS In Texas Car Flips Because Of High-Speed Chasing Border Chaos Smugglers Who Flee On Foot

Smugglers transporting illegal immigrants led DPS in Texas in a high-speed pursuit leading their car to flip on the dirt road.

Smugglers transporting illegal immigrants led DPS in Texas in a high-speed pursuit leading their car to flip on the dirt road.
DPS In Texas Car Flips Because Of High-Speed Chasing Border Chaos Smugglers Who Flee On Foot (PHOTO: Fox News)

Texas DPS Car Flips Because Of High-Speed Chasing Over Illegal Immigrants

According to Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), Lt. Chris Olivarez the high-speed chase happened in Hidalgo County, near the southern tip of Texas, along the Mexican border because of chasing smugglers transporting illegal immigrants.

A video was shared and posted by Lt. Chris Olivarez showing high-speed and losing control over the car onto a dirt road. The car has been seen by people weaving around other vehicles on the road. Multiple illegal immigrants were also seen on the video exiting the vehicle and attempting to run away.

The authorities arrested the driver of the smugglers who are from Mission, Texas, and have five immigrants in the car who were from Mexico. Seven of them ran toward the neighborhood but were still arrested by the Texas DPS.

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Texas DPS Car Flips Because Of Chasing Border Chaos Smugglers Who Flee On Foot

The driver will be facing criminal charges for evading arrest and smuggling some illegal immigrants. Five of the immigrants were referred to the U.S Border Patrol. Last month, there is also the same case of a smuggling person that was captured in body and dash camera footage and they are from Zavala Country. The driver of the car lost control and bailed out the car before the authority’s arrest according to the Texas DPS. The investigation is ongoing and those suspect will be facing criminal charges.

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