Sam Martinez

Anti-Hazing Bill Named After Sam Martinez Passes Washington Senate

An anti-hazing bill named after Sam Martinez passed the Washington Senate.

Sam Martinez
An anti-hazing bill named after Sam Martinez, who was killed in a hazing, passed the Washington Senate. (Photo: King 5 News)

Anti-Hazing Bill Named After Sam Martinez, A Hazing Victim

The anti-hazing bill, “Sam Martinez Stop Hazing Law,” passed the Washington Senate to strengthen the fight against hazing, especially with the several cases of death in the state.

The anti-hazing bill was named after Sam Martinez, a student who died of alcohol poisoning after attending a fraternity event at Washington State University in 2019, to recognize a student’s death and remind others of the danger of conducting hazing.

Aside from reminding the dangers of hazing, the anti-hazing bill also aims to make hazing organizers accountable for all the related events happening in fraternities and sororities, AP News reported.

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Anti-Hazing Bill to Change the System

The passing of the anti-hazing bill into law required schools to release the records about hazing investigations in public and updated how hazing should be defined, different from how it used to be for many students.

The anti-hazing bill also emphasizes the charges that the person/s involved in hazing would be facing, especially if it leads to the death of an individual, to ensure the victims that will get the justice they deserved, unlike the one who gave Martinez a drink that led to his death, only serving 19 days in prison.

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