Advocates In Texas Said That The School Who Collects Taxes More Should Give Some To The State And The State Distributes It To Other School That Needs It, To Provide A Better School For The Children. Some Of These Advocates Have Been Born, Raised And Typically Grew Up In Texas.
Property Tax For School Districts
Cynthia Velasquez was an alumna of Galveston Independent School District; she said that this has been her home since she was a child. Although decades have passed and the building is still standing, it still looks the same and needs to be modified. The building could be renovated or build a new and even raise teachers wages if only the property taxes were paid specifically for education.
Galveston ISD collects more taxes and those excess taxes goes back to the state and the state then distributes them to other districts who is in need of more funding. Chandra Villanueva said taxes per districts vary and if they don’t intervene and equally distribute these taxes then there will be district who will not have enough funds to even support the students. \
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260 districts are considered “Property Wealthy”, which means these have been a lot of help to support school due to increase also of taxes. Christy Rome said that even though these taxes increase they don’t really know and can’t track where these taxes go. And many school have been recovering from somewhat like donations because they don’t know what the state is doing with the money.
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