
Beth Moore Controversy: The Author Quit the Southern Baptist Church After a Sex Abuse Complaint

American preacher, author, and Bible teacher Wanda Elizabeth “Beth” Moore (born Wanda Elizabeth Green on June 16, 1957) is an Anglican. She created the Christian ministry Living Proof Ministries in 1994 with the mission of introducing women to Jesus Christ and the Bible.

The headquarters of Living Proof Ministries can be found in Houston. Moore, as one of the most well-known American evangelical women, has sold millions of books and spoken at stadium events.

Living Proof Live Conference

Throughout the year, the ministry hosts over a dozen “Living Proof Live” conferences in different cities across the United States in partnership with LifeWay Christian Resources. Conference worship is led by Travis Cottrell. Moore, Kay Arthur, and Priscilla Shirer worked together to host “Deeper Still: The Event,” a LifeWay weekend conference, from 2007 through 2011.

Moore also teaches via her radio programme and YouTube channel, both of which bear the same name. She is not related to the Baptist preacher and theologian Russell Moore.

Moore also publishes books and creates video resources based on the Bible studies she teaches at her Living Proof Live conferences.

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Beth Moore, a Christian author and speaker located in Texas, is one of the most well-known evangelical women in the world. On the other hand, she has left the Southern Baptist faith.

The Los Angeles Times quotes Moore as saying, “I can no longer connect with Southern Baptists.” She found it “staggering” and “disorienting” to see world leaders rallying around Trump after transcripts of the “Access Hollywood” audio revealed him bragging of sexual adventures.

Some conservative members of the SBC were angry with Moore because he publicly criticised Donald Trump and implied misogyny existed inside the denomination in 2016.

beth moore controversy

Some members of the largest American protest religion were taken aback by her decision to leave. Moore tweeted this morning that people who don’t accept the findings of the investigation indicating survivors of Southern Baptist clergy sex abuse were stonewalled and denigrated are a problem inside the church.

You’re not only duped if, after all the evidence has been laid out before you, you still insist that the independent body engaged to perform the investigation is part of a (liberal!) human plot or demonic attack. If you deny this, you are complicit in the lie.

Beth Moore went on, “My hat’s off to you if you can brush aside or explain away this investigative investigation or do the bare minimum for the sake of appearances, still denying that your men’s club mindset was in any way complicit. The small, little body of Lottie Moon is turning over in her grave.

Moon, a 72-year-old Southern Baptist missionary to China, died of starvation in 1912. Each year around Christmastime, Southern Baptists collect donations in her honour to use for missionary endeavours.

In his letter to the SBC, Moore confessed his love. You’ve cheated on your wives. With me, it’s too late to make amends. Making amends with them is still possible.


At the age of 18, Moore committed her life to full-time Christian service. Moore decided to study the Bible more thoroughly after realising she needed to teach Sunday school. After enrolling in a class on biblical doctrine, which sparked a lifelong curiosity about the Bible and led her to start leading weekly Bible studies, she did just that.

In the mid-1990s, the number of women enrolled in her class had risen to 2,000, and she was giving talks at churches all across South Texas. Broadman & Holman (later B&H), a division of LifeWay Christian Resources, began publishing Moore’s Bible studies in 1994, despite her lack of theological education, and she soon found herself with a national speaking ministry.

beth moore controversy

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She formed a worship band and started touring the country to host weekend seminars. She established Living Proof Ministries as the hub for her nationwide speaking tour.

In 2008, she had a show called “Living Proof Live” that was broadcast simultaneously to an estimated 70,000 viewers across 715 venues. During the worst of the Great Recession, Lifeway Christian Stores reported a “good” quarter thanks in part to the popularity of her book about Esther.

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