Build A Bear Company Have Been Texting Their Customers That Payout Of Settlement Lawsuit Will Be Released Soon. But It Is A Clear Violation According To Telephone Consumer Protection Act, It Should Not Text Customers Who Opted Out.
Settlement for Customers who opted out
Build A Bear and other companies were intertwined in a scandal that led to a $4.1million lawsuit. Although they denied of any wrongdoing, they agreed to pay $500 each customer for settlement via text messages saying that they will release it soon. The Telephone Consumer Protect Act clearly stated that it is prohibited to contact customers after they bailed out. Build A bear agreed to give $500 who received two or more text messages between September 24, 2017 to March 28, 2023.
In addition, customers should have proof that they replied with a “STOP” or “QUIT”, only then they will receive the $500 payout. One time Payment will roll out by September 6, 2023.
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