
Chicago Fire Season 11 Episode 17 Review: The First Symptom

The First Symptom, from Chicago Fire Season 11 Episode 17, goes into sweet character development and delivers long-awaited information to fans.

With Severide’s departure, there is still a clear power void. Everyone has not yet adjusted.

Severide’s absence is being handled as well as could be expected by Chicago Fire. It’s not like the team lacks capable leaders to guide it through its absence.

The team should come together and support one another in the event that their leader is momentarily lost. They should utilize this opportunity to appreciate what they still have rather than dwelling on what they’ve lost. Hence, when Severide returns, the team will be that much stronger.

Cruz steps up in The First Symptom since there is now a chance to highlight the abilities of other team members.

Chicago Fire Season 11 Episode 17 Review: The First Symptom | Tell-Tale TV

It’s a strong beginning for Cruz. He handles his first leadership issue like a pro. Although he may just recently have taken on a formal leadership position, he has always been the center of his team.

Cruz’s elevation and chance to excel have improved Chicago Fir

However, as Cindy continues her battle with cancer, this continuity just makes it simpler to feel for her. Nonetheless, throughout the entire episode, Herrmann’s uneasiness is evident. It seems as though he’s about to blow up any second.

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The First Symptom also perfectly conveys the overwhelming weariness that characterizes every cancer caregiver. This narrative has more weight because of David Eigenberg‘s overall demeanor.

Hopefully, the wonderful news will provide everyone with the fresh start they so sorely want. Now that Cindy is out of the worst danger, Herrmann can reconsider how he should balance his career and personal life.

While Herrmann continues to serve as the team’s unofficial father, it would be preferable for him to temporarily stand down from formal leadership in order to concentrate on himself. He has just been through a severe issue with his family.

Chicago Fire should offer Cindy and her family the opportunity to reflect on their entire experience and move on to a new normal.

Chicago Fire Season 11 Episode 17 Review: The First Symptom - TV Fanatic

It’s difficult not to be upbeat about how Chicago Fire will close this chapter as the season’s final episodes draw near. This team is full of excellent leaders who prioritize the success of the group before their own egos.

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It’s crucial to make sure someone is in charge of keeping things running while Severide is away. This incident demonstrates that these firefighters can accomplish anything as a group.

Stray Thoughts:

  • Seeing Brett and Violet prove themselves when faced with patients with mysterious symptoms is a tribute to both of their characters.
  • It s been far too long since this TV universe has had a proper crossover.
  • Mouch s save at the blood bank is surprisingly emotional. He s a true hero in every sense.
  • Watching Mouch finagle the fire truck replica is the comedy this episode sorely needs. The ultimate resolution is even better.
  • Relatedly, Mouch messing around on the internet to find the final piece for his model is definitely on-brand.
  • Lt. Casey s return is that much closer

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