Biden’s “we Need to Terminate This Presidency” Tweet Was Brought to The Fbi’s Attention by Lauren Boebert

On Twitter, multiple users have reported Lauren Boebert for her “terminate this Presidency” remark.

When describing how abortion rights are being restricted in the US after Roe v. Wade was overturned, Colorado’s House Republican appeared to insult President Joe Biden on Sunday by using “presidency” instead of “pregnancy.”

On July 8, Biden stated, “Just last week, it was revealed that a 10-year-old girl was a rape victim in Ohio. She was forced to fly out of the state, to Indiana, to seek to terminate the presidency and perhaps save her life.
A vehemently anti-abortion legislator named Boebert wrote on July 10: “This Presidency needs to be ended. end of quoting the sentence again, “Boebert continued, mentioning another error Biden made during his address when he misread teleprompter instructions.
Numerous social media users took exception to the tweet and reported it to the FBI, Homeland Security, and Justice Department, alleging that it incited violence against the president.

Why Doesn’t Boebert Have a Lawyer? According to A Tweet Sent to The Fbi’s Official Account, She Is Making Threats.

According to TDemocrat65, another Twitter user, Boebert’s comment was perceived as a threat to the president. “FBI adds my tweet to the growing amount of tweets urging you to investigate Boebert for her comment,” TDemocrat65 said.
“You would be taken into custody if you incited violence against the American President. Lauren Boebert has once again stepped over the line “@AvengerRegister, a Twitter user stated.

Lauren Boebert reported to FBI over Biden tweet: ‘We need to terminate this presidency’

“RT [retweet] IF YOU THINK THAT THE FBI SHOULD LAUNCH AN INVESTIGATION INTO BOEBERT,” read the tweet from pro-Democrat social media organization Occupy Democrats, which urged people to support the calls for an FBI investigation.

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Concerns Concerning Boebert’s Comments About Biden Have Already Been Voiced by Her Detractors.

On June 11, Boebert discussed Biden while quoting a Bible text at the Charis Christian Center Family Camp Meeting in Colorado.

Lauren Boebert reported to FBI over Biden tweet: ‘We need to terminate this presidency’

“Please know that I am praying for our president. May his days be few and someone takes his place, as it says in Psalm 109:8. Hallelujah! God be praised! “The 79-year-old president, according to Boebert.
Shortly after, Russell Foster, a former Democratic congressional candidate, tweeted in response: “So, in front of the campers, Lauren Boebert is praying for President Biden to pass away at a church camp. That is so ‘Christian. It is much worse because she is courted and praised for it.”

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