South Carolina Lawmakers’ Special Session Rolls Without An End In Sight

South Carolina Lawmakers’ Special Session Rolls Without An End In Sight

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The South Carolina Lawmakers and government officials’ special session livestream rolled on without an end decision as the meeting spent about an hour talking with bills and vetoes, and the rumbling disputes with the Senate over the state budget burst into the public.

South Carolina Lawmakers’ Special Session Rolls Without An End In Sight (Photo: WRDW)
South Carolina Lawmakers’ Special Session Rolls Without An End In Sight (Photo: WRDW)


The South Carolina Lawmakers and government officials’ special session went on Livestream

The South Carolina special session assembly happened last Wednesday without an end in sight, as the state house spent about an hour dealing with bills and vetoes, and the dispute with the Senate over the state budget was seen into public view.

The special session was held because the deadline for the reform bill is on July 1.

Last Wednesday, during a special session attended by 110 lawmakers. But, there were more absences than usual among the 124 members. Those absent members had knee replacement surgery or a long week of family vacation.

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The members of South Carolina’s Special Assembly discussed the following matters but then rolled on with no end in sight

  1. The overhauling boating safety rule.
  2.  South Carolina’s new bond system bill.
  3. Gun Possession Bill.
  4. State $13 billion budget.

The lawmakers agreed to meet again for a special session next week.

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