Matt Petgrave, a former Laval Rocket who unintentionally hit Adam Johnson in the neck, is facing serious threats on social media

There was a true tragedy in the hockey world this past weekend. Adam Johnson, a former player for the Pittsburgh Penguins, passed away from his wounds sustained in an EIHL game from a skateblade strike. Matt Petgrave, who dealt the final blow, is in the news. The latter, who, incidentally, had already appeared on the Laval … Read more

A mother who wed her son, 22, eliminates custody of her 5 adopted children

A mother who married her adopted son, who’s 31 years younger than her, has admitted that she failed in the fight to retain her other 5 children. When 53-year-old musician Aisylu Chizhevskaya Mingalim married her 22-year-old adoptive son, Daniel Chizhevsky, child welfare specialists were horrified and astonished. In a restaurant in Kazan, Tatarstan Republic, Russia, the … Read more

US House Committee to Examine Eliminating Marijuana Testing Requirements for Federal Jobs, Approve D.C. Marijuana Sales

Legislators have submitted modifications to the Financial Services and General Government (FSGG) appropriations bill which would prohibit candidates from having their drug tested for marijuana while seeking the majority of federal positions. The bill is scheduled to be considered by the House Rules Committee shortly. A recently submitted proposal that would specifically permit Washington, D.C., … Read more